“Look Mama! Look!” exclaimed young Abdullah as he skipped past the large windows of the Halswell Library.
“Look at the cool decorations” he said in amazement.
There were balloons and bouncy castles, and all sorts of food too. There were children from everywhere running from here to there. There was jumping and dancing and juggling and lancing. There were mothers and grandmas…”OOOO AND PERFORMERS TOO.”
“What should we do” asked Maryam as she excitingly held her older brother’s hand. They were inside now and the place was unlike the two had ever seen before. They stood there with their lips slightly hung in awe of all the festivities.
The colours, and the sound, and jovial vibe captured their youthful imagination, and with a blink of an eye they were gone. Disappeared into the mass of other children with their mothers and sisters, weaving and bobbing to and fro with excitement and adventure. Their joyful cheers reverberated through the hall all afternoon.
Till time came to return home, and the two, Abdullah and Maryam, stubbornly walked back out, past the large windows of the Halswell Library. They glanced back at all that they left behind, and in a moment of absolute honesty they uttered, “that was the best Eid KidsFest ever!”
Imagine that could be your kids. So don’t miss out. Come to the Halswell Library on the 25th of August, for an Eid filled with fun and excitement.
Save the date!!