The new monthly retreats of our Active Muslim Explorers program is in full swing. Boys and girls gather, once a month on seperate weekends, in the beautiful surroundings of Corsair Bay. Lead by a handful of dedicated parents and the local community, the boys and girls enjoy a variety of bonding, sharing, and learning experiences.
Last weekend saw the boys come together for the first time. The retreat was lead by Fawzy Kamal and Bariz Shah. Together with other volunteers they created a welcoming and open environment for the teenage boys. The retreat not only tried to instil religious principles but also principles of social responsibility. This retreat’s focus was the effects of global warming and its practical solutions.
The next retreats in October are already taking shape. We guarantee a weekend filled with physical and spiritual activities without the constant distractions of technology.
On the 13th and 14th of October we will be hosting the AMEGirls Retreat. This is aimed at girls in years 7 and 8 (intermediate school). The focus of the retreat will be “Preparation to High School.”
If you would like your children to attend please contact us.
For more information and to keep updated join our AMEzing Whanau on Facebook. Here: