About Us
Who Are We
Nawawi Center is a not-for-profit Muslim grassroots organization founded in 2008 that aims to bring people together, advocate peace and build a stronger community in Christchurch. With a team of professional volunteers trained in project and event management, Nawawi Center has run events and projects ranging from educational workshops, camps and retreats to community festivals.
In the following months after the 2019 March 15th attacks, the Nawawi Center team identified a gap in support for young Muslims and decided to scale back on the traditionally community-wide focus of our projects to concentrate specifically on youth.
Our Strategy
Our strategy is to provide regular social events and educational programs where the focus is on being together in a relaxed environment. The idea is to provide a platform where young ones can create their own support networks, have access to peers and de-stress.
What Does “Nawawi” Mean?
The Nawawi Center is named after one of the greatest scholars of Islam, Imam Muhiyyuddin bin Sharaf Al-Nawawi. Known as Imam Nawawi, he returned to his Lord at a relatively early age (in 1277AD), but his piercing intellect and deep knowledge nevertheless left behind great works that have been accepted unanimously by the Muslims and their scholars for centuries. A lover of knowledge with an aversion to this world, his legacy is not only an inspiration for knowledge but of balance, tolerance and spirituality in today’s world of extremes.
Our Structure

Meet Our Team
“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”

Salha Hasi
Languages: English, Arabic (Libya)
Salha is known in the team as the Powerhouse, with the uncanny ability to juggle organising events, running her Hijab business and being a Mum.

Zimna Thaufeeg
Languages: English, Dhivehi
With a background in policy and finance, Zimna manages to juggle work, family and volunteering into her busy schedule.

Hesham Jones
Languages: English, Malay
Although he has over 10 years experience in Project Management and IT, Hesham’s greatest contribution are still his Dad Jokes.

Asayal Al
Languages: English, Arabic (Saudi)
Asayal has a passion for helping marginalised people and communities. She’s also a speech therapist and keen volunteer!

Abdifatah Ibrahim
Languages: English, Somali
Abdi is a business graduate who has an interest in communications and public relations. He currently works as a social worker with Purapura Whetu. In his free time, he enjoys exploring the outdoors of New Zealand’s rugged terrain.

Jumayah Haji Ahmad-Jones
Languages: English, Malay
Jumayah is a life long learner and community volunteer with a passion for building bridges with the wider Christchurch community.

Dalia Mohamed
Languages: English, Arabic (Egypt)
Our resident expert on Qurʼān recitation, Dalia leads our longest standing educational program, Nūrāniyyah Academy.

Nailah Hasi
Languages: English, Arabic (Libya)
Nailah is a student who loves volunteering for the community and working with kids.

Tanzeel Khan
Languages: English, Urdu, Hindi
Tanzeel is a dedicated student, footballer and youth leader with an easy-going personality.

Tyla Harrison-Hunt
Languages: English, Te Reo
A role model to many, Tyla is as self-less as they get. He can always be found doing something that makes a difference, from coaching basketball to mentoring at risk youth.

Huda Richards
Languages: English
Huda has a big heart and passion for children and is committed to playing a role for the next generation on Muslims in our community.

Ceryse Scott
Languages: English, Samoan
Ceryse is a part-time sociology student who enjoys supporting the diverse communities in Christchurch.

Hannah Tawfeek
Languages: English, Arabic (Egypt)
Hannah is a fashion design student who also loves to film. She loves to work with the community and has a passion for helping youth.

Huda Hassan
Languages: English, Somali
Huda is studying social work at Ara, currently in her 3rd year. Who has an interest in photography, dancing & meeting new faces. In her free time, she enjoys, binge watching crime shows, game nights, learning about new cultures & exercising…sometimes.

Nadiah Ali
Languages: English, Malay
When Nadiah isn’t busy being a scientist, or running community programs, you’ll find her in her happy place: scaling the grand NZ mountain peaks!

Abdul Baset Khalifa Hasi
Languages: English, Arabic (Libya)
Abdulbaset is a sports Podiatrist and a keen footballer, with a passion for working with the Muslim youth of Christchurch.

Hashmat Lafraie
Languages: English, Farsi
A lawyer by training, Hashmat was a leader of the Muslim student association in Otago before lending his skills to the team.

Ayesha Jones
Languages: English, Malay
Ayesha loves learning about different cultures, which comes in handy in her role with NZ’s diverse communities.

Taalib Jones
Languages: English
The original patron of NC, Taalib’s long-standing support extends back to our organisational conception.

Zayid Jones
Languages: English, Malay
The founder of Nawawi Center, Zayid now lives in Thailand with his family, although his heart will always be in Christchurch.