Lessons from the life of the Mighty Prophet Musa
…with a special guest from the UK! Award Winning Author Maryam Sinclair
The theme for this year’s Holiday Learning Programme in October 2017 will be “lessons from Prophet Musa”. Our main objective will be to introduce the children to prophet Musa, his life and the struggles he faced in his lifetime, the story is famously told all over the world by an award winning, well-known story teller and author from the UK, Sr Mehdet Maryam Sinclair. As all our Holiday Programs, there will also be a lot of opportunity for other fun activities and games in between learning!
(EDIT: Due to a scheduling error we must reduce the days from two days to one. Apologies.)
Who is it for?
Open to girls and boys between 6 to 15 years old.
When is it?
(EDITED) Program takes place on only 1 day: Tuesday 3rd October 2017
(EDITED) Start 10:00am – End 3:00pm
Where is it?
Masjid An Nur, 101 Deans Ave, Christchurch
How much does it cost?
As a not-for-profit organization, expect any contributions to cover costs of administration, materials, prizes and other costs.
(EDITED) $10 is due per child
Children should bring their own lunch and water bottle.
For all enquiries please txt the HLP Coordinator Sr. Nailah Ph. 0221907220